
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

bz day begin !


huhu..da lame xtaip...bz laa..hehe..erm...da 2mggu aku kt segamat...kelas mcm biase...setelah adjust2 jadual, akhirnye dpt gk xde kelas hari jumaat..yippie!!! ^_^

new year ari 2, ptptn msuk...huhu...gembire hati aku ni xterkate...byk benda nk wat ngn duit 2...beli buku, byr bil hp, byr sewa umah & bil2 yg tertunggak & mcm2 lg la..hehehehe...dan semestinye ade shopping skit2...hehehe..kire nye ptptn yg aku dpt 2 abis dgn care yg baik...i mean, xde la joli2 xtentu arah...lebih bg mak...hehehe...

antara brg2 yg aku beli ialah ;

beg ni beg kelas aku..beli murah je..kt midvalley..kt booth kecik2 2..hehehe..

kasut ni plak beli kt ELLE, midvalley gk..puas aku cr kasut, sume xberkenan kt hati..smpai la mid nk tutup...mse aku msuk kedai ELLE ni, kedai pn da nk tutup...mule2 aku berkenan kaler gold...tp xde saiz..nk jugak pnye psl, aku amik kaler silver ni...puas hati!! ^_^

kasut ni plak aku beli ari ahad ari 2...da nk blk segamat pn sempat gk sggh midvalley..hehehe...beli kt NOSE...aku ske sbb kaler die.. ^_^

act, byk benda yg aku beli sbnrnye...tp xkn la nk letak sume kt cni kn...xbaik show off sgt...hehehehe...last but not least, aku wat.......

rim kete yg baru...nice x??hehehehe..thanx 2 IWAN AJIS...klu xde die, aku xtkr lg rim kot...hehehe...

mggu ni aku blk lg...sian kt mak...awal2 thn ni biase la kn...byk keje mak aku kene tlg settle kn...especially hal adik2 & rumah...klu ikotkn aku blk cuti raye cine nnti...xpe laa...sian mak...hehehehe...

so far, aku pnye kelas ok...lect plak sume bgus2...hopefully sem ni bleh skor lg...aku nk naikkn pointer...at least 3.3...ok kot...tp klu dpt 3.5, alhamdulillah...hehehe...basically sem ni sume sbjek yg aku da blaja mse diploma dlu...still fresh i guess...insyaAllah aku akan struggle for this sem...pray 4 me ya!!hehehe...

k la, da mlm...even kelas aku ari2 pkul10, tido ttp tido..hehehehe...gdnite...

to be continue...

~ oh ya!! azam thn br ni is DIET, naikkn pointer & be a good person...insyaAllah ! ~


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