
Sunday, May 24, 2009


salam to all...

sepanjang weekend ni aku agk bz menyibukkn diri di wedding2 org...
mcm biase la kn aku ni, bab interprem mmg hobi la... hehehehe...
so, semlm, which is ari sbtu bersamaan dgn 23 may 2009, ade 1 wedding aku attend kt INTEKMA, shah alam...
siap ikot rombongan pompuan tau, jgn jeles... hehehehehe...
actually, semlm wedding k.tie, kakak kpd kwn aku c dewi dahlia tu...
spt biase la kn, stp wedding mst ade tema, and tema wedding aritu ade la PINK...
k.tie mmg tersgt super cantek org nye, even this is her 2nd wedding, but still cantek & terpancar seri pengantinnye... cewah~
kali ni husband die mmg sgt lucu ok, and yg plg best suami die fotografer...
nasib time wedding dorg, suami die tu suro member die tgkp gmbr, klu x jd la mcm time dorg tunang dulu...
mase dorg tunang, sume tetamu tertanye2 mane la bakal suami k.tie, tgk2 org yg tgh bz tgkp gmbr tu la bakal suami die... lawak gile la abg hairi tu... hehehehehe...
opsss!!! jauh menyimpang plak, continue ye... hehehhee...
overall, the wedding is super duper grand.. teringat plak dinner mse zmn diploma dlu...
pendek kte, wedding dorg tu sgt teratur dan seperti kite gi MPG ataupn dinner ala2 mewah gitu...
rombongan belah pompuan dilayan ok... siap cedokkn nasi, bg buah, bg kuih muih...
waaaa... mmg sgt best la kenduri semlm... rase2 dorg tu mst blanje lbh dr rm10,000++ for their wedding... perghhh~
cane la klu time aku kawen nnti... adoi~
anyway, congrats dear DEWI MELATI & MOHD HAIRI AKMAL...
i'm happy for both of you... moga kekal hgga akhir hayat~
oh ya, the best part is, suami k.tie bertuah sbb kawen2 je trus ade anak... hehehehe...
untung c HAIKAL dpt papa yg baik cmtu... happy for them~

ni la kwn aku, DEWI DAHLIA~

then, next wedding is today, which is ahad bersamaan dgn 24 may 2009...
wedding ni kt port dickson, SEREMBAN... jauh tu... hehehe...
aku gi ngn mak and adik2 laki aku dan kami bertolak jam 11.30 pg...
lbh kurg pkul1 cmtu kami tiba ke destinasi yg dituju... senang je rupenye umah c alin tu...
and umah c suri pn area ctu gk... akhirnye smpai gk aku kt sane... hehehehe...
sesampai aku kt sane, aku jmpe ngn suri.. act, mmg jnji ngn suri pn sbb die la satu2 nye kwn aku yg rapat ngn alin tu... hehehehe...
aku smpai je die tgh bersanding, and guess what, ape tema dorg??
ahahaahhahahahahahahahaha... yes, PINK ok~
waaaa, bile tgk2 cantek gk la, tp aku xnk pakai PINK time kawen nnti... hehehehe...
oh ya, lupe plak... wedding ni adalah wedding kwn aku mase diploma dlu...
name die NOR AZLIN a.k.a ALIN... die sgt cantek ok~ jeles aku tgk... hehehehe...
congrats dear~ happy for you & hopefully u'll live happily ever after... amin~

ni plak, SURI~

nnti aku update lg ok~ gdbye frens~

[notaku: aku pnye suare dah mcm ELLA dah ni...waaaaaaaaaaa]


Latika.Dot.Dot. said...

kak adib.
dah nampak ah tudung same.

a.d.i.b.a.h said...

tau xpe..

Akeem Jaffri said...

azlin budak kelas A tu ke weh dib? serius? wahhhhh.